Certifications and inspections


Certifications and inspections

We're industry leaders in 6 month certs for scissor lifts, boom lifts, cherry pickers and other EWP.

WorkSafe requires all access equipment to get inspected and certified every 6 months to ensure it's safe and fit for use.

An EWP 6 month certification must be carried out by a qualified CBIP inspector. When completed, it should be displayed near ground controls or platform entrance.

All our techs are qualified inspectors and can do certs in your yard or on site - whatever suits.

Our mobile vans stock spare parts so if repairs are needed, we can reduce your down time.

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Run with frontline


Less issues

During inspections we pick up issues before they result in breakdowns.


Cut costs

Boost the productivity and lifespan of your fleet by fixing issues before they escalate.


Win jobs

Become a more reliable choice for clients and increase your chances of winning jobs.


Retain staff

Show your employees that their well-being and safety are taken seriously.

Keep your gear
working full throttle

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